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Innovation support instruments in scientific and technological programs of EU
    On the 26 April 2012 in Uzhhorod will take place international conference-workshop, the aim is to present to the wide range of stakeholders the opportunities of scientific and technological programs of the EU, which promote and support innovations. The conference-workshop will be hold in conference hall of the hotel "Guest House”, address: Verkhovynska St., 36.
Organizers of the workshop Innovation support instruments in scientific and technological programs of EU Demonstration of the ETP’s role as an efficient instrument of sustainable and mutually beneficial cooperation between science and education organizations and SME’s (after the example of ETP "Food for Life” and the corresponding NTP "Agro-Food”) are Center for Transborder Scientific Cooperation UzNU, NGO "European Innovation Agency” with the support of International Renaissance Foundation in the framework of project "Establishing the information exchange network on educational and scientific programs of the European Union” and Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of Ukraine.
   The workshop will touch such issues like the possible ways of innovations development in Ukraine in the whole and in particular regions, show the perspectives of using scientific and technological programs of EU to establish effective cooperation between science and education organizations and SME’s (the program is attached).
   The main objective of the workshop is to discuss opportunities of scientific and technological programs of EU, as an effective instrument of regional and national innovations. The workshop aims to promote the establishment of closer contacts between the participants, the exchange of experience and strengthen cooperation between stakeholders, the formation of internal and external innovation networks and consortiums. Also very important issue which will be discussed separately is the creation of Technology Platforms as an effective mechanism of focusing the efforts of enterprises and research institutions to achieve the common goal as an example of ETP "Food for life” and Ukrainian National Technology Platform "Agro-Food”.
   We invite key Ukrainian experts, scientists, representatives of regional and central government, representatives of regional agencies, SME to take part in the workshop.
For the attention of media! 26 April at 10.40 will be hold the press-conference with representatives of regional state administration, Coordination Center of implementation of economic reforms under the President of Ukraine, State Agency for investment and management of national projects of Ukraine, Chamber of Commerce of Ukraine, project "Establishing the information exchange network on educational and scientific programs of the European Union”, NIP Ukraine, Uzhhorod National University, Center for Transborder Scientific Cooperation (the program of the workshop is attached). The accreditation of journalists will be from 10.15 till 10.40 before the press-conference. Note: The main objective of the project "Establishing the information exchange network on educational and scientific programs of the European Union" perfomed by the support of International Renaissance Foundation is to provide the common information field in Ukraine for the opportunities of participation in different scientific and technological programs of the EU based on the agreed information and consulting activity of the experts with the experience of participation in such programs, and also the wide range of stakeholders and organizations. The project is implemented by National Organization "European Innovation Agency”
  Partner organizations are: Lviv State Center of Science, Innovation and Informatization, Center for Transborder Scientific Cooperation of Uzhhorod National University (CTSC UzNU), Donetsk National University, Center "Kharkiv technologies”.
 Center for Transborder Scientific Cooperation On the 7 of February, 2012 at Medical Faculty aud.562 at 16:00 conducting a workshop for scientists of UzhNU 1.Rules of Participation in FP7: Legal and Administrative Aspects 2. Funding Opportunities in FP7 Based on Current Calls for Proposals 2012-2013 and Programme "Horizont" 3. Other information Center for Transborder Scientific Cooperation conducts training courses on writing FP7 projects Titles: 1.Rules of Participation in FP7: Legal and Administrative Aspects 2. Funding Opportunities in FP7 Based on Current Calls for Proposals 3.How to Create a Successful Project Idea 4. Partner search and consortium building 5. Filling in Part B of the proposal 6. Before proposal submission - what needs to be checked and how to avoid frequent mistakes 7. Elecrtonic tools for participating in FP7 - URF PIC LEAR 8. Online proposal submission - using EPSS and filling in Part A 9. Evaluation of project proposals in FP7 10. Financial rules of FP7 11. Financial management of the project 12. Managing the project from the Grant Agreement until the project end 13. Project reporting and Form C 14. European RTD funding opportunities for SMEs 15. Introduction to IPR in RTD projects 16. IPR for projects in the area of Research for the benefit of SMEs 17. Basic legal documents 18. People general overview 19. People institutional activities 20. People individual activities 21. Research infrastructures
Dear Colleague,

I would like to remind you that the deadline for submitting your abstract(s) at the international conference "Environmental Microbiology and Biotechnology in the frame of the Knowledge-Based Bio and Green Economy" (EMB2012) (Bologna, Italy, April 10th to12th, 2012) is next January 31st, and that for early registration is January 15th.

The preliminary program, registration and abstract submission forms are available at: http://www.emb2012.org/ .

AIMS OF THE EVENT: to explore the advances, frontiers and applications of Environmental Microbiology and Biotechnology on the sustainable decontamination of polluted habitats, water resource purification and reuse, biofixation of climate change-inducing gases and the production of biobased chemicals, materials and fuels from biowaste or/and via exploitation of novel microbes from non conventional or impacted habitats. The major ongoing FP7 projects on these subjects will be presented in a special session devoted to the European Commission funded initiatives.

ORGANIZERS: the Environmental Biotechnology section of the European Federation of Biotechnology (EFB) in cooperation with the Federation of European Microbiological Societies (FEMS), the Italian Society of General Microbiology and Microbial Biotechnology (SIMGBM), the Italian Society of Food, Agricultural and Environmental Microbiology (SIMTREA) and the University of Bologna.

Co-PROMOTERS : International Society for Environmental Biotechnology (ISEB), Environmental Biotechnology section of the Asian Federation of Biotechnology (AFOB), International Association on Mediterranean Agroindustrial Wastes (IAMAW), European Technology Platform SusChem (ETP SusChem), European Association of Biotech Industries (EuropaBio), Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), Technology Platform "SusChem Italy", Italian Chemical Society (SCI) and Italian inter-university Consortium INCA.

Other features of the event: a dynamic and R&D-oriented program, a highly qualified speakers and scientists from academia and industry, the opportunity to have published the best papers in the international peer-reviewed journal New Biotechnology (IF 2.0) and 16 fellowships for excellent young scientists.

I warmly invite you to join us and provide your contribution to the discussion and implementation of the topics of EMB2012.

Yours Sincerely,
Fabio Fava

Fabio Fava, Ph.D.
Full Professor of Industrial & Environmental Biotechnology
Dean's Delegate for International relations of the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Bologna
Chair of the Environmental Biotechnology section of the European Federation of Biotechnology (EFB)( www.efb-central.org/ )
Chair of the Industrial & Environmental Biotechnology section of the Italian Technology Platform SusChem

DICAM, Unit of Environmental Biotechnology and Biorefineries
Faculty of Engineering, Alma Mater Studiorum-University of Bologna
Via Terracini, 28. I-40131, Bologna, Italy
Phone: 0039 051 2090330;
Mobile Phone: 0039 328 2394251;
Fax: 0039 051 2090348/2090322
E-mail: fabio.fava@unibo.it; Web page:
Skype name: fabio-fava

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